Welcome to a new lesson! Are you ready to listen to some music?

We will listen to "Lucky" by Britney Spears. This song has a very straightforward* introduction.

"This is a story about a girl named Lucky"

Before we listen to the song, what does it mean to be lucky?

Take a look at some idioms*

As you can see, a lucky person is a person who has good luck. Luck can be connected to superstitions but it can also refer to having a good life or good things happen to you, especially when it involves factors out of our control.

Now, let's go back to the song.

Is Lucky a common name or a made-up one? What do you expect her life to be like? A good life or a bad life?

Listen to the song and watch the video!

Read the lyrics and work on the activities.


*straightforward: directo/a.

*idioms: dichos, refranes y expresiones.


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