Hello! Today we are going to focus on time expressions and grammar. There are many ways to talk about the past and different prepositions to use in each case. We will discuss the use of on, in, at and ago. 

Another important thing to keep in mind is the use of ordinal numbers to say the date.

Keep this in mind and complete the following sentences with true information about yourself:

  1. The last exam I took was…

  2. The last time I stayed up late was…

  3. The last time I lost something important was…

  4. The last wedding/party I went to was…

  5. The last time I went for a run/walk/swim was…

  6. The last time I went to a restaurant/coffee shop was…

  7. The last time I sang/danced was…

  8. The last cup of tea/coffee I had was…

  9. The last long journey I went on was…

Write down your answers and send them to me via WhatsApp.

Finally, we started to talk about feelings:

You can listen to the audios here and here.


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LESSON 44 - March 26th

EXTRA PRACTISE - Pronunciation of regular verbs in the past